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Friday, October 15, 2021

Virtual Aduma 33 Kannon Pilgrimage #19 Gokuraku-ji Temple


     Gokuraku-ji Temple was founded in 1505.

     In 1462, the Takagi Family advanced to the western part of Shimousa Province and built Negiuchi Fortress near the Edo River.

     When Ashikaga Yoshiaki (?-1538) attacked the Hara Family and seized Oyumi Castle in Shimousa Province, the head of the Takagi Family and his son were killed in battle.  Takagi Tanetada (?-1546) flew to the western border of Shimousa Province and built Negiuchi Castle.  After Yoshiaki became an Oyumi Kanto Deputy Shogun in 1517, Tanetada belonged to a Koga Kanto Deputy Shogun and fought against Yoshiaki.  He not only fought at the forefront of the battle against the Oyumi Kanto Deputy Shogun, but also defended the inland water transport along the Edo River between Koga and Edo Bay.

     Presumably, Gokuraku-ji Temple was built in the course of the development of the left bank of the Edo River under the rule and management of Tanetada.  His son, Taneyoshi (1501-1565), moved his base from Negiuchi Castle to Kogane Castle, which commanded the Edo, Naka, and Ara Rivers.  Accordingly, Taneyoshi controlled the inland waterway between Edo Bay and the northern part of the Kanto Region. 

Address: 2 Chome-24-3 Ichikawa, Chiba 272-0034

Phone: 047-322-6625


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