Kakuta Haruo---Decoding Japan---

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Location: Sakai, Osaka, Japan

Saturday, March 18, 2006

From Human Development to Personal Development

We should talk about the individuality of human development, graduating from looking at the human development from the view point of development stages. Employing that type of view point means to see human beings as a mass. Besides the fact that human development should have been individual,iIndividualization of human development is under way today, due to the development of industry or economy. That, in turn, enabels or forces us to individualize the teaching/learning processes. The transformation of school from mass education to individual education is an agenda. The individualization or the individualizing process of our society has had impact both on students and on teachers, taht is, both on how each student sees his/her learning process and how each teacher sees his/her teaching process. To have impact on processes implies to have impact on cognition. In other words, we are to investigate the impact of the individualization on cognitive development of both students and teachers.

Friday, March 10, 2006

July 2003 -3-

Monday, July the 21st, 2003
How do we acquire concepts? Implicitly, or explicitly? Or in the both ways? If we have the both ways, what is the difference between the two? Tuesday, July the 22nd, 2003
This copy is from a poster in a JR station. It tells us that we can refresh ourselves with a culture shock. It interests me how a culture shock refreshes us. The training for English teachers was with the participants of the must training. K's speech was concentrated on them. They should pay more attention to the other participants. Anyway, although the trainers did not say such a thing, the contents indicate that we, the high school English teachers, should move on from basic conversation classes. Our methods and technics have already employed by up-to-date elementary teachers, which means that within a few more years, we will have students with the experience of those methods and technics. If we keep doing that kind of conversational classes, they will surely get bored. We should move on, but toward what direction? It depends on each school. In I High School, I am sure that we should emphasize writing skills.
Wednesday, July the 23rd, 2003
Today is the second day for the training of English teachers.
Thursday, July the 24th,2003
Kishiwada Secondary Schools International Communication Consortium Kishiwada International Communication Consortium of Secondary Schools =KICCSS Kishiwada International Communication Consortium of Schools =KICCS Kishiwada Educational Institutions International Communication Consortium Kishiwada International Communication Consortium of Educational Institutions Kishiwada Consortium of Educational Institutions for International Communication Kishiwada Internatonal Communication Solution =KICS First, to swell the international exchange and communication in Kishiwada, we should form a consortium. Second, to support the activities of the consortium, we should put up an NPO.
Friday, July the 25th, 2003
N claimed that no English teacher from I send S off. It is not my job. She could have asked someone, if she did like to be seen off. It is the same with T. She should ask my help, if she needs it.
Saturday, July the 26th, 2003
Constraints guarantee us efficiency. Acceptance of differences requires inefficiency. The cost of meetings. The cost of democracy.
Monday July the 28th, 2003 I talked with N on T's issue, which lead us to almost nowhere. Her assumption and mine seem very remote. After that I talked to M to ask help our mutual understanding. It, hopefully, seemed to work. I also mailed to ask about Teresa's problem. I asked very moderately. I hope they will understand my implication. Her issue is taking too much wasteful time and energy. I wonder if I could turn them into productive one. I am going to visit the Library at Osaka Educational Center to look for series. It is to find some writings on 1-year-long exchange program that I search for them. A section on the topic in "The Outbound Tourism of High School Students and the Cognitive Development of them" is taking a shape in my mind. I would interview some ex-exchange students on the topic.
Wednesday, July the 30th, 2003
My understanding of cognitive theory is deepening. It will enable me to write about the cognitive development of 1-year-long exchange students. The problem is how to gather the information, mostly the protocols of them.
Thursday, July the 31st, 2003
This is the end of July.

Thursday, March 09, 2006

July 2003 -2-

Monday, July the 14th, 2003
I asked the sub-principal to make contact with Sakai Ro Gakko, and also handed out a paper to visit Suzuka International College to him. Readiness to acquire ASL is getting ready, although it is doubtful if I will actually learn it. It seems that I would not be an only one to learn it as an English teacher in Osaka Prefecture. I have got some response on the paper for Dai-ichi-hoki from T and K. I should go on by adopting some information given by the other teachers, and should rewrite the application paper within a few days, so that I can get the final go.
Tuesday, July the 15th, 2003
Most of my time was filled with the daily routine work today, such as grading students, doing something on scholarships.... The most profitable one was taking a contract with a person on ASL. I should look forward to hearing back from her. The articles in Gengo shows that we have some delicate issues on SL.
Wednesday, July the 16th, 2003
I visited Kansai International Center with K Jr. and ate lunch. It was rather hot. We bought some textbooks for introductory Japanese. One of the clerks at the shop was a graduate from I HS. It was a god start of visiting the center as an English teacher at I. Most of the other time was occupied with the work for scholarships.
Thursday, July the 17th, 2003
Not such a productive day. I had 3 classes in a row, enough for the morning. Anyway, M gave me a go. I can move on with the Daiichi-hoki's project. I dropped on the post office and ATM, and bought brans, prunes, and blueberries, another daily routine. I have finished with all the classes in the first term. What I have done, and what I haven't done in these 3 months are something I should look back. That will show me my strength and weakness. The clearest right now is I will not have an exam to be a sub-principal at least this year. My transfer from S to I itself shows my fate, to live as a specialist rather than a manager or a generalist. The management itself is, however, very important. Even if I do not make a principal, it does not mean that I do not have to manage some teams in school. To live as a specialist, I should be good at managing English teachers, some committees, and so on. I must keep studying management, and studying management along the line of cognitive school also gives me an insight into the development of cognition.
Saturday, July the 19th, 2003
Individual cognition needs a certain amount of time. Mass cognition needs the share of the time.
Sunday, July the 20th, 2003
It is very interesting that K Jr. pointed out the similarity between the school and the Rotary Club, against the indication for difference between private corporations and public schools. The schools are somewhat similar with voluntary organizations. The similarity has been figured out by some books on the knowledge management.

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

July 2003 -1-

Saturday, July the 5th, 2003
It seems I should make up my mind to keep this diary basically in English. I seem to be supposed to make English writings. Nonaka Ikujiro's writing is always cool. They challenge my brain a lot. Cognitive science and Knowledge Management at school. I have approached Cognitives through Linguistics. I came across Knowledge Management via Social Science and School Management. The two streams seem to have come to meet. Development of Cognition, or Cognitive Development of an individual human and that of a group of humans. The word 'group' refers to companies, local communities, nations, NPOs, and so on. How do the development of individuals and that of groups interact? ...communication or dialogue is the key word, however,...
Sunday, July the 6th, 2003
Sada Masashi. It is a cool way of mentioning the problem today's youth hold. They have not been raised by speaking to much and listening to much. It has caused them to lack the ability to making a dialogue with the others. They often just throw their words away, and never care where the words go. It is something like a wild pitch. "Ask the ball where it goes." I watched the video "AI", which I found very moving but my elder daughter very confusing. I am likely to be moved by anything which expresses persistency. My daughter regrets that the film implies Martin and his father are bad. The character, Professor Bobby (Was the man Bobby? I cannot remember his name.), was hard to understand. Some scenes suggests his loving son, 'David' has died. How has he come to love to have so many Davids? We agree that the movie should have ended where David and Teddy sank in front of the Blue Fairy. Aliens are just needless and disappointing.
Monday, July the 7th, 2003
Today is Tanabata. Every year, Tanabata Day reminds me of the difference between the Gregorian (solar) calendar and the lunar one. I made a contact with Mr. O at BOE of Kishiwada City, via Ms. M there. We would meet at his office around 17:30. On the phone, he mentioned that an AET who is going to leave after 3 years of teaching in Kishiwada is going to leave some information on and around Kishiwada. I might be able to get the information. He even suggested the possibility of our and their ALTs' having contact via e-mail. The suggestion match my intension to put up Izukoh_ecom including ALTs living in Kishiwada. Tomorrow's meeting will be surely and certainly benificial. After lunch, H, K, Y, and I had a chat over the new ALT and the next year's Writing at the second grade. K's information on the difficulties they had in the previous Writing classes was worth knowing. The difficulty lies in the lack of knowledge both JETs and ALT. Her information suggests the present ALT does not have enough writing skill herself, which I agree. The shortage of JETs' writing ability is inevitable. The lack allowed me to move from A to A. So I am supposed to facilitate the realization of profitable Writing classes. Tuesday, July 8th, 2003
γ€€ I had an interview with Mr. O at Kshiwada City Bord of Education. He advised to have ALTs communicate each other, while I asked him to help us to have their ALTs join Izukoh_ecom. I asked him if we can visit junior high schools to experiment some kinds of English classes, and he suggested me we could do it via the principals in each school. He asked me to instruct junior high school teachers how to teach English in new style, and I asked him to let me take part in seminars for them so that I can learn something. In general, communication itself was a little bit of monologues rather than of a dialogue, but in Japanese standard, it was beneficial, even if it was not productive.
Thursday, July the 10th, 2003
This summer, I am going to be involved in two thesises:1 to Daiichi-hoki on the International Exchange Team, 2 to WTO on outbound tourism for high school students. The former will deal the issues as Knowledge Creating Management, how departments in a school can be knowledge creating fields. The structure of a school consists of three kinds of departments. The first is subject departments like the Japanese department, the Math department... The basic field in school is a class, either it is a HR class or a subject one. There meets teachers and students. Students develop their cognitive abilities through the communication with teachers. How about teachers? Do they develop themselves or not? If the education there is only based on the information gap between teachers and students, the teachers do not have to keep developing themselves. If, however, the education there is to utilize the learning abilities of students, even if the gap between a teacher and each student is almost the same, the solution for each students should be different. Each student has special and unique themes or tasks imposed on him/her. The solution is surely different. To meet the difference, to offer the varieties of different solutions,

Monday, March 06, 2006

June 2003

Monday, June the 9th, 2003
I have finished with the ENGLISHES into English Class. I do not have to do anything new for a while. I just start thinking about English education tour or English study tour.

Saturday, March 04, 2006

May 2003

Thursday May the 1st, 2003
How to organize everything in I High School? It is essential to promote communication among teachers. The problem is among what teachers should we organize the communication. Among all the teachers is impossible. izukoh_ecom@egroup.yahoo.co.jp an international community in and around I High School a gaijin community in and around I High School a community of people who speak English in and around I High School Sunday May 11th, 2003 Y will be attendant at the conference mentioned above. Two steps have been taken already. Next I should make a contact with Dr. A at Kyoto Gaikokugo University. Yesterday night, I finished reading β€œThe Introduction to MOT. ” I found Management of Technology suitable to School Management. As teachers are specialists, they are hard to be managed. Meanwhile, specialists love their technologies. In school, I think, we should try to manage technology instead of managing people who carry the technology. What technology do we have at school then? Teaching technology and, not less important than it, Learning Technology. If we call MOT at school MOET(Management of Educational Technology), MOET contains MOTT(Management of Teaching Technology) and MOLT(Management of Learning Technology). When we manage technologies at school, we should not leave the latter behind. Co-construction of a message; this idea leads us to a wider connotation. I might be able to hope that izukoh_ecom will help us co-construct our messages.γ€€ interpersonal communication, intrapersonal communication The word "technology" does not always imply a high-tech, but can also connote a low-tech. For example, even using a blackboard and pieces of chalk is a technology. MOT on the low-tech can mean either to cast it away and employ computer monitors instead, or to improve the technology by using several colors of chalks or else. By the way, I am planning a special lesson on Monday, June the 9th. I will invite 4 or 5 exchange students into my classes. The students of each class will be divided into several groups, according to the number of exchange students we have on the day, and each group will have an exchange student as a guest for several minutes and try their best to communicate with the guest in English. After the while, the group will have another guest. This kind of routine will be repeated for several times, until they talk with all the guests. Saturday, May the 24th, 2003 MOET should start from explicating implicit knowledge, whether it is that of teachers or that of students. As a school is a cluster of communities of practice, we have no way but start our explication by employing codes of each subsections. By trading the ideas explicated with varieties of local codes across the borders between the subsections, we can gradually reach a uni-code with which every member of the school can understand the ideas. accumulation crisis circulation crisis Tuesday, May the 27th, 2003 I've got an e-mail from S, but not from A. Wish she could join the class. Saturday, May the 31st, 2003 If you pay cognitive attention to the culture shock, which many exchange students face, you may say it has some relation with "being usual" or "being normal". We often say, "We usually do this." and "We normally don't do that." On the other hand, we somewhat recognize that "doing this" might be a tabu in another country, or you cannot go without "doing that". Where do the usuallity or normality come from? cognitive growth cognitive functioning cognitive flexibility