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Saturday, March 18, 2006

From Human Development to Personal Development

We should talk about the individuality of human development, graduating from looking at the human development from the view point of development stages. Employing that type of view point means to see human beings as a mass. Besides the fact that human development should have been individual,iIndividualization of human development is under way today, due to the development of industry or economy. That, in turn, enabels or forces us to individualize the teaching/learning processes. The transformation of school from mass education to individual education is an agenda. The individualization or the individualizing process of our society has had impact both on students and on teachers, taht is, both on how each student sees his/her learning process and how each teacher sees his/her teaching process. To have impact on processes implies to have impact on cognition. In other words, we are to investigate the impact of the individualization on cognitive development of both students and teachers.


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