May 2003
Thursday May the 1st, 2003
How to organize everything in I High School? It is essential to promote communication among teachers. The problem is among what teachers should we organize the communication. Among all the teachers is impossible. an international community in and around I High School a gaijin community in and around I High School a community of people who speak English in and around I High School Sunday May 11th, 2003 Y will be attendant at the conference mentioned above. Two steps have been taken already. Next I should make a contact with Dr. A at Kyoto Gaikokugo University. Yesterday night, I finished reading “The Introduction to MOT. ” I found Management of Technology suitable to School Management. As teachers are specialists, they are hard to be managed. Meanwhile, specialists love their technologies. In school, I think, we should try to manage technology instead of managing people who carry the technology. What technology do we have at school then? Teaching technology and, not less important than it, Learning Technology. If we call MOT at school MOET(Management of Educational Technology), MOET contains MOTT(Management of Teaching Technology) and MOLT(Management of Learning Technology). When we manage technologies at school, we should not leave the latter behind. Co-construction of a message; this idea leads us to a wider connotation. I might be able to hope that izukoh_ecom will help us co-construct our messages. interpersonal communication, intrapersonal communication The word "technology" does not always imply a high-tech, but can also connote a low-tech. For example, even using a blackboard and pieces of chalk is a technology. MOT on the low-tech can mean either to cast it away and employ computer monitors instead, or to improve the technology by using several colors of chalks or else. By the way, I am planning a special lesson on Monday, June the 9th. I will invite 4 or 5 exchange students into my classes. The students of each class will be divided into several groups, according to the number of exchange students we have on the day, and each group will have an exchange student as a guest for several minutes and try their best to communicate with the guest in English. After the while, the group will have another guest. This kind of routine will be repeated for several times, until they talk with all the guests. Saturday, May the 24th, 2003 MOET should start from explicating implicit knowledge, whether it is that of teachers or that of students. As a school is a cluster of communities of practice, we have no way but start our explication by employing codes of each subsections. By trading the ideas explicated with varieties of local codes across the borders between the subsections, we can gradually reach a uni-code with which every member of the school can understand the ideas. accumulation crisis circulation crisis Tuesday, May the 27th, 2003 I've got an e-mail from S, but not from A. Wish she could join the class. Saturday, May the 31st, 2003 If you pay cognitive attention to the culture shock, which many exchange students face, you may say it has some relation with "being usual" or "being normal". We often say, "We usually do this." and "We normally don't do that." On the other hand, we somewhat recognize that "doing this" might be a tabu in another country, or you cannot go without "doing that". Where do the usuallity or normality come from? cognitive growth cognitive functioning cognitive flexibility
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