Kakuta Haruo---Decoding Japan---

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Location: Sakai, Osaka, Japan

Sunday, February 26, 2006

April 2003

Tuesday, April 1st, 2003
The Kishiwada station is 10 minutes walk away from the school. In one sence the school is between the two station. When I had moved from my second high school to my third, I had felt what a drizzling school I came to. Now I feel the same. I wonder if I can do as I did, which means to make it a cool one. Should I have moved to others?
  1st grader: blue
  2nd grader: red
  3rd grader: green
Basic Interpersonal Communicative Skills (BICS) Cognitive Academic Language Proficiency (CALP) These days so called Oralcommunication classes are focussed on the development of BICS. I don't say the older days emphasized CALP, but acquiring English as the second language, especially for intellectuals, means developing CALP. underdeveloped language Scholarly writing also should relate to those who make decisions on a daily basis about bilingual children: parents and teachers.

Thursday, April the 10th, 2003
The first classes. Step by step; accepting everything. Ethnography Introduction of so called TRy system into transfering teachers of Osaka Prefectural high schools help forming a labour market within Osaka Prefectural high schools. What effect will the introduction cast over mind sets of teachers? My interest in how to let students learn has moved on from inductive method, via offering context, to cognition. This school year, I am in charge of a scholarship, intermediating various scholarships to students. A little bit chilly this morning. I wonder if it would work to put up a mailing list open to students. Should I think of some rules first to operate it lawfully?

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Haiku and the Way We Think

A methodology of HAIKU teaches us the importance of the crush of two matters. In HAIKU, KIGO or a seasonal phrase crushes with the other part of the poem. For example, when you pick up a seasonal phrase with 5 syllables or make up a 5-syllable phrase with a seasonal phrase in it, you can compose a HAIKU with another 12-syllable phrase. If the latter phrase is just a description of the seasonal phrase, that does not make a poem. The two neither should be too much in conformity with each other nor should be too much in inconformity with each other. The crush of two matters is the nursery of a poem.
We might prefer that kind of a crush even when we compose a prose. A concept may crush with a sentence structure. If the sentence is just a description of the concept, it does not produce the logical crush. The logical crush is the nursery of a brandnew theory or of the new paradigm. Does that just seem a leap in argument?

Saturday, February 04, 2006

March 2003

new Shoki on the new roof along new Chawan-zaka

Monday, March 31st, 2003
MOT line engineer


"I can of Myself do nothing."(John 5 30)
"Most assuredly, I say to you, unless a grain of wheat falls into the ground and dies, it remains alone; but if it dies, it produces much grain."(John 12 24)
Have to ask UEC about forming consortium or having coraboration with a university in Sydny.
"One of the greatest pains to human nature is the pain of a new idea."(Walter Bagehot,British writer and economist, 1826-77)


one's native place [province, land]; one's (old) home; one's birthplace
locally communal, local communalism, local communality
natural featuers (of a region); climate
endemic, endemical, endemism, endemicity
local currency
local language
local communality
English teachers' room pigin English: This theme sounds interesting, but it's not mine.
home language, local language(>school language, public service language), national language, regional language, global language(=English
home language
local language
national language
national language
global language
local language
national language
global language
global language
local languages
national languages
e-business e-cram e-juku e-kateikyoushi business-based volunteer-based e-commerce e-education e-volunteer e-kyoiku
hybrid identification
the global me
the global me
trans-cultural communication
trans-lingual communication
porfessional manager
playing manager
grammer-translation method
translation-assisted method
anima mundi
polygene adj
polygenesis n
polygenesist npolygenetic adj
polygenetically adv
polyphylesis n =polygenesispolyphyletic adj
polyphylety n =polyphylesispolyphyly n
polynuclear n
polyversity n =multiversitypolytype npolytipcal adj
The day the world changed
The propaganda war
A battle of nerves

Friday, February 03, 2006


Ch. S. Peirce thought abduction is one of important steps of scientific logic, besides deduction and induction.
round-the-clock sharing global team-building
to team up geographically dispersed staffs to pass or share a job round-the-closk
In this project we are going to train our students how to collaborate or team up with the other geographically dispersed staffs, and how to pass or share a job in a round-the-clock manner.


Ch. S. Peirce thought abduction is one of important steps of scientific logic, besides deduction and induction.
 round-the-clock sharing global team-building
to team up geographically dispersed staffs to pass or share a job round-the-closk
In this project we are going to train our students how to collaborate or team up with the other geographically dispersed staffs, and how to pass or share a job in a round-the-clock manner.
http://www.comp.lancs.ac.uk/computing/research/ucrel/ http://muse.doshisha.ac.jp/JAECS/
Lawler&Dry ed., Using Computers in Linguistics: A Practical Guide, Routledge

Thursday, February 02, 2006



Wednesday, February 01, 2006


Tuesday, October the 18th, 1994.
Poverty and unemployment will be negative keywords of coming decades; while work creating and humane development positive. The linkage between the two will be education. Competitive society or cooperative one? That will be the key two branches of the coming decades. In the former, poverty and unemployment will be passed on from one generation to another, under the name of self-responsibility. Many children in the third world are dying. They may be being blamed for their own laziness. The question is whether you blame them for their misery, or blame others. If you choose the latter, the next question is who are others. Glorbal bureaucracy is emerging; while glorbal democracy is yet to be found. The leftists should put out great effort for community democracy, that for national one, that for regional one, and that for glorbal one. Each effort is distinguishable to one another, and should be connected one another. As they are distinguishable, there must be distinguished movement to each purpose. I am going to read classics in English-Japanese. First, "The Wealth of the Nations."

Wednesday, October the 19th, 1994.
From competitive society to cooperative one. That is the key issue of today. As a cooperative society is a community, this movement can be called, namely, communism. Now that we live in a competitive society, a communist teacher has two tasks to carry out. One is to let every student boast competitive human=labour power to live through in the competitive society. The other is to let all the students enjoy cooperative human=labour powers to prepare for the coming cooperative society. Each everyday teaching activity should have the two aspects in itself.