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Friday, March 10, 2006

July 2003 -3-

Monday, July the 21st, 2003
How do we acquire concepts? Implicitly, or explicitly? Or in the both ways? If we have the both ways, what is the difference between the two? Tuesday, July the 22nd, 2003
This copy is from a poster in a JR station. It tells us that we can refresh ourselves with a culture shock. It interests me how a culture shock refreshes us. The training for English teachers was with the participants of the must training. K's speech was concentrated on them. They should pay more attention to the other participants. Anyway, although the trainers did not say such a thing, the contents indicate that we, the high school English teachers, should move on from basic conversation classes. Our methods and technics have already employed by up-to-date elementary teachers, which means that within a few more years, we will have students with the experience of those methods and technics. If we keep doing that kind of conversational classes, they will surely get bored. We should move on, but toward what direction? It depends on each school. In I High School, I am sure that we should emphasize writing skills.
Wednesday, July the 23rd, 2003
Today is the second day for the training of English teachers.
Thursday, July the 24th,2003
Kishiwada Secondary Schools International Communication Consortium Kishiwada International Communication Consortium of Secondary Schools =KICCSS Kishiwada International Communication Consortium of Schools =KICCS Kishiwada Educational Institutions International Communication Consortium Kishiwada International Communication Consortium of Educational Institutions Kishiwada Consortium of Educational Institutions for International Communication Kishiwada Internatonal Communication Solution =KICS First, to swell the international exchange and communication in Kishiwada, we should form a consortium. Second, to support the activities of the consortium, we should put up an NPO.
Friday, July the 25th, 2003
N claimed that no English teacher from I send S off. It is not my job. She could have asked someone, if she did like to be seen off. It is the same with T. She should ask my help, if she needs it.
Saturday, July the 26th, 2003
Constraints guarantee us efficiency. Acceptance of differences requires inefficiency. The cost of meetings. The cost of democracy.
Monday July the 28th, 2003 I talked with N on T's issue, which lead us to almost nowhere. Her assumption and mine seem very remote. After that I talked to M to ask help our mutual understanding. It, hopefully, seemed to work. I also mailed to ask about Teresa's problem. I asked very moderately. I hope they will understand my implication. Her issue is taking too much wasteful time and energy. I wonder if I could turn them into productive one. I am going to visit the Library at Osaka Educational Center to look for series. It is to find some writings on 1-year-long exchange program that I search for them. A section on the topic in "The Outbound Tourism of High School Students and the Cognitive Development of them" is taking a shape in my mind. I would interview some ex-exchange students on the topic.
Wednesday, July the 30th, 2003
My understanding of cognitive theory is deepening. It will enable me to write about the cognitive development of 1-year-long exchange students. The problem is how to gather the information, mostly the protocols of them.
Thursday, July the 31st, 2003
This is the end of July.


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