Friday, November the 30th, 2007
A cold morning.
The oversea study tour is an educational commodity, which has diffused thus far. "Diffusion is the process by which a new idea or new product is accepted by the market. The rate of diffusion is the speed that the new idea spreads from one consumer to the next. Adoption is similar to diffusion except that it deals with the psychological processes an individual goes through, rather than an aggregate market process. In economics it is more often named 'technological change'."(
The next phase of the development of the oversea study tour is to be the development of its preparatory session. In order to make its contents more valuable, we ought to have the readiness to employ research spinoffs of universities in high school classes. The term "Research spinoff" ( "is also used for concepts or products spun off a research project, for example methods or materials pioneered during the Manhattan Project (spin-off: Commercial Nuclear Power) or during the Space Race (spin-offs: Many, Integrated Circuits and hence most modern electronics, freeze-dried foods, satellites, et-cetera, and et al.)."
“The trickle-down effect is a marketing phenomenon that affects many consumer goods, including new technology and fashion. Initially a product may be so expensive that only the wealthy can afford it. Over time, however, the price will fall until it is inexpensive enough for the general public to purchase. One modern day example of the Trickle-Down effect would be the iPod. The iPod was priced at around 250 dollars in 1998 (the year it was introduced), over time dropped in price, and now that same model is worth about 37 dollars.”(
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