Kakuta Haruo---Decoding Japan---

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Location: Sakai, Osaka, Japan

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Tuesday, October the 23rd, 2007

The sun light has been ripening. The air has become drier.
Yesterday's visit to the SDF post was, in one sense, interesting. The recruiter was glad that I was taking jobs there equal to those of other public services. Discriminated they might have been.
Where does the self-innovation power come from? To answer the question, we have to ask who are self-innovative personnel, and how they develop themselves. What motivate them?
We, English teachers in Izumi, had a meeting with an English teacher from Ehle Preparatory School. We studied the entrance examinations of Kuwansei-gakuin, Kandai, Dhoshisha, and Ritsumeikan universities. The study seems to have left significant impressions on us.

Monday, October the 22nd, 2007

A bit "cold" morning. My hands shivered with washing.
I visited Shinodayama Post of SDF. Their explanation on recruiting policy was very clear. The clear explanation enabled me to form a clear image how to advise students. A sergeant candidate student is a basic target first of all. If the students are interested in making a nurse, or a pilot, they have corresponding courses.

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Saturday, October the 20th, 2007

I got a little bit too much excited yesterday, as I made a report at the English teachers' meeting. My sleep might have been a little bit too light.
Making a test for the mid-term examination is the most urgent issue, of course. Besides the other routine school jobs, yesterday's meeting gave rise to an idea helping other high schools start their oversea study tour. Mikuni and Ohtori first?
We had an English license examination as an associate in our school. As we are in the middle of the examination week, we had only a few participants.

Friday, October the 19th, 2007

I have to make a report at the research project of the High School English Education Research Society of Osaka, or Fukoh-Eiken. I report our experience in starting an oversea study tour for our students. That is, I am succeeding in exporting international communication to the English education.
The most difficult point in accomplishing something is to collaborate. I have thought it important to do give-and-take in a job base, but have found that doing it in an ambition base might be no less important.

Thursday, October the 18th, 2007

We will talk about remodeling teachers' office. We already have put significant amount of time on the issue. The mistake we have taken is that we have soaked up the ideas singletrackly via faculty lines. That has been due to the management's misunderstanding. When we suck up ideas, we should do that via multiple lines, which help the staff see the issue from multiple viewpoints.

Wednesday, October the 17th, 2007

It is becoming more Autumn-like. I wonder if I can enjoy the season with those loads of work. Public relations, International communication, and English education are pressing upon me. I wonder when I can get relieved.

Tuesday, October the 16th, 2007

A rather cool morning. The beams of the sun light have been ripening to bear a little bit tangerine-like colour in them. I had a training interview with 3 students. They are going to study either media or cartooning. I wonder what they will really study in their universities.

Monday, October the 15th, 2007

We are in the middle of the month. I am in the middle of a maze. Vocationally and domestically. I talked with Kaita on accepting Shantou students, especially about having special classes for our students. We have 10 Chinese students. His idea is to have all of them in a class, which leads to that only some classes of our students can enjoy the chance. Mine is to divide them into 2 groups, which enable us to have all the classes enjoy the opportunity, but each class can have only 5 Chinese students, which leads to that each of our students can enjoy a few minutes communicating with them. I am wondering if I can share some of the jobs related to accepting the Chinese students. I would like to burden Kaita with planning special classes, and Murakami with organizing ceremonies and activities. I also have to put up a special mailing list to organize everything and manage the situation. Besides the members of the committee, Nakata@Kishiwada, Kawai, Simon should be included.

Friday, October the 12th, 2007

An Autumn fine morning. These two months, October and November, are going to be busy and tough ones. I will have the Open Campus in the end of this month, and Suwatou's visit to our school in the latter half of the next month. I have to go out either for training or for visiting every Friday and maybe more. Yes, I also have to prepare for....

Thursday, October the 11th, 2007

We had a long teachers' meeting today. They love to talk about rooms, but do they like to think about our students' futures?

Wednesday, October the 10th, 2007

The problem is that I haven't made a printed handouts for English Seminar C yet. I have to do it in the second and the third periods. Everything is still tough. Yesterday, I asked Simon whether he could make a software which can have students practice listening and speaking. It should be focused mainly on words with a pair of twin consonants. Today, I talked with Taniguchi on the matter. If the program works itself, there is no problem. If it should work with other programs, as far as they are on CPs in LAN, we have no problem too.

Tuesday, October the 9th, 2007

Another busy week has started. Training interviewees, recruiting both the participants of the Australian study tour and the host families for Chinese students, and preparing for the open campus. How many busy weeks are waiting for me?

Sunday, October the 7th, 2007

The second day of the three consecutive holidays. I will go to school for the basketball club. Seifu's are coming this morning, and girls do their practice in the afternoon. Yesterday, we had an annual NPO, Izumi Frontier Club, meeting. Some teacher members have moved to other schools, and have become ex-teacher members. I wonder how many new teacher members we can recruit. Or do the managers have any interest in recruiting some? We mainly talked about the international exchange and the adult course, Bunka-no-mori. I couldn't do much work. Can I do some today?

Saturday, October the 6th, 2007

It's an Autumn morning. I feel rather good. Yesterday's visit to Mukogowa University gave me a relief. The cool wind from the sea and the intellectual conversation gave me a relief. That shows how much I am fed up with the atmosphere in Kishiwada and vulgar chats at school.

Friday, October the 5th, 2007

It rained a lot last midnight. The ground is partially blackened with the rain water. I am visiting Mukogawa Women's University today. They have English phonetics courses, where they teach not only phonetic alphabets but their pronunciation as well. I'd like to know if they have a good know-how of introducing phonetic alphabets and their pronunciation. I'm afraid we can afford only a couple of periods to introduce them, so we need an efficient way to achieve the purpose.

Saturday, October 20, 2007

Thursday, October the 4th, 2007

An early Autumn morning. Australian students go to Kishiwada HS today, and will leave Osaka tomorrow morning. Each student has their own volition to study. The strength of each volition differs from student to student. These days, the strength of the volition has been polarized.

Friday, October 19, 2007

Wednesday, October the 3rd, 2007

A cloudy morning. Rather cool but a little bit humid. Interview weeks have started. It started last Friday. Even at the middle of the second week, I already feel exhausted. Is it because I have become old? Or because I have not recovered from the fatigue after making an acting homeroom teacher? The Australian-student days have finished. It's something to see both sides of the students get friendly. That is where the transnational communication pays. The Principal, the sub-principal, Mr. Kawai, and I talked over the Shantou issue. I pointed that the way to share the burden is out of date. Who-benefit-from-it-pay-for-it style is what is preferable. Only the beneficiary is willing or likely to pay for the benefit. No benefit, no burden.

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Tuesday, October the 2nd, 2007

The second day of Australian-student days.
Shantou No.1 High School is coming on Friday, November the 16th. They will stay in Japan 5-7 days. As they might be arriving at Kansai Airport in the afternoon, their visit to our school will probably on Monday, November the 19th. We are supposed to provide host families. And more?