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Location: Sakai, Osaka, Japan

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

The Origin of Shokuningura or Shoyu Workshop

In Yuasa, birthplace of Soy Sauce, there still remain some old workshops with very thick and crumbling walls here and there. Some workshops are now converted to the residences. With the disappearance of Shoyu makers, we can no longer see craftsmen who used to tiol and moil here, and traditional Shoyu things, the fruits of their wisdom and efforts. (Today we have several museums of folk craft throughout Japan. But I feel responsible, as one of the Shoyu craftsmen, for collecting and preserving these old Shoyu things as well as "the taste of old days.") Kadocho Shokuningura with the size of 80㎡ was one of the fermenting houses built in Keio era. All these Shoyu things kept here are the tools used for making Shoyu and each of them has sweat and pains in it of the craftsmen of those days. I welcome you to my Shoyu workshops of about 100 years old.


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