Shoyu, the world famous seasoning, was originally produced in Yuasa from Kinzan-ji-miso or soy bean paste, which was brought from China in the early 13th century by Hoto-kokushi of Kokoku-ji Temple of Yura. In those days, Shoyu was only for use at home and not for sale because of poor traffic facilities. But about 400 years ago, in Azuchi-Momoyama era, Shoyu was first shipped to other parts of Japan as a commoditiy here in Yuasa. Since then, Shoyu industry developed a great deal thanks to the protection of the Lord of Kishu, and it is said that in Bunka-Bunsei era, there were 92 Shoyuya or Shoyu-makers in about one thousand houses of Yuasa. In the meantime, people in Yuasa showed how to make Shoyu to the people in some parts of Japan, such as Choshi near Tokyo. Today Shoyu industry in Yuasa is dwindling, chiefly owing to the promotion of some major Shoyu companies. But we still have the traditional method of making that Yuasa Shoyu once called Yuasa Tamari in Kamakura era.
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