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Saturday, February 10, 2007

January 2007

The number of frameworks which a person's cognition has is limited. The number may increase or decrease along the life cycle of the person. Stories depicted through too few frameworks might seem to be lies.
Everything has something to do with cognition, that is what our cognitive frameworks are like
Globalization will never let us settle in a native cognition. Instead, we are forced to float from one cognition to another. If we don't want it, we should keep cognition forced to us in ourselves, so as to have them co-live in ourselves.
The person-centered care of Tom Kitwood. How about the person-centered education? What about the person-centered diplomacy, or the person-centered international communication?
The individualism revolution is going on all over the world. It is unavoidable. The revolution consists of commoditization of individuals and globalization of labour market, that is each individual person has to sell his labour power at the global labour market.
The evolutional development of the life course. The cognition of the life course develops evolutionally, that is it develops as we walk along our own life course. Counseling students on their choosing colleges to enter.
Teachers train themselves as they coach students. That can be safely said even teaching essay writing. Their coaching abilities enhanced through the process will work when they are supposed to tutor their students.


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