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Location: Sakai, Osaka, Japan

Thursday, August 15, 2024

Saigoku 33 Kannon Pilgrimage in My Order — #26 Ichijo-ji Temple


     The surrounding area marked the highest temperature of the day in Japan.  Its trees and glasses were having a very hard time.  Their leaves wilted and withered.  I drove through the ancient Harima Province, feeling as if I was navigating Icarus II.

     I first arrived at Jodo-ji Temple in a plain.  I was as much drooped as the leaves, but, once I stepped into Amida-do Hall, which was built in 1192, it was rather cool, and Amitabha, Avalokitesvara, and Mahasthamaprapta gave cold looks down on me, one of the 8 billion wrongdoers who caused global warming.

     Another drive brought me to Ichijo-ji Temple, the Saigoku 33 Kannon Pilgrimage #26, in the mountains.  It’s atmosphere was rather cool.  Its foundation was rather old, in 650, and its foundation story is rather mysterious.  A mountain hermit named Hodo flew from India on a purple cloud.

     I have a blue car but not a cloud.  I walked up in the temple’s precincts.  Strangely, it has no temple gate.  I first visited Jogyo-do Hall, the Circumambulation Hall.  I wish it had been a main hall, but gave up my wish as a dream and climbed to Triple Pagoda, Bell Tower, and Main Hall.  After the hall, I gave a glance at Benten-do, Myoken-do, and Goho-do Halls.  After the halls, I found a sign which told me Kaizan-do Hall was just 150 meters away.  I believed it to be betrayed.  I walked down a hill for about 150 meters.  I walked up another hill for about 150 meters, only to get to the foot of stone steps.  I dragged my feet literally step after step.  I finally reached the foot of another stone steps to Kaizan-do Hall.

     The ascetic hardships made me hungry, and I drove to Fukunishiki Sake Brewery, which I had found on my way from Jodo-ji Temple to Ichijo-ji Temple.  It had a restaurant, Fukuzo.  As I drove, I didn’t drink, but its sake lees soup was delicious.

Jodo-ji Temple

Address: 2094 Kiyotanicho, Ono, Hyogo 675-1317

Phone: 0794-62-4318

Ichijo-ji Temple

Address: 821-17 Sakamotocho, Kasai, Hyogo 675-2222

Phone: 0790-48-2006


Address: 1048 Mikuchicho, Kasai, Hyogo 675-2223

Phone: 0790-48-2005


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