Tuesday, January the 22nd, 2008
The dark-cloloured winter clouds are back-up-lighted with bright golden orange sun beams. The contrast gives us winter-like feelings with a little bit of warmth.
The cognition is biassed both biologically and culturally. The biological bias is universal and transcendental; the cultural bias is communal and empirical. The latter bias, as it is aquired a posteriori, could be transformed.
Why so many students try hard not to try hard? That might be the trend of the age. Can we go against the stream? That must be a tough task. Should we go along the stream? Even to the hell? In the ever bipolarizing society, the gap between the heaven and the hell is widening, and we can hardly stay on the thread between them, in the empty hollowness. We are either to keep going to the heaven, or ... down to the hell.
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