Monday, January the 14th, 2008
A cold yet fine morning.
Kant said: "the whole series of conditions subordinated to one another --- a series which is consequently itself unconditioned ---" (p.194/195, Immanuel Kant, "Critique of Pure Reason", 2003, Dover Publications, New York) That implies if a "whole series of conditions" is "subordinated to one another," the series will be "consequently itself unconditioned." That is to say, a certain process of conditioning or reasoning can get automated. Once automated, the process may help the conditioning or reasoning speed up. The fossilized automation, however, can cause obstinacy. Employing spinoffs from colleges is the easiest way to overcome the obstinacy. The help from college scholars is critical.
A teacher of today is under the pressure from ever changing societies to meet ever highflying and ever self-asserting needs. To meet high-flown needs they should renew their core competency, and to meet individual needs they should replace their peripheral techniques. The core competency is what should be developed for the longer time being, and be accompanied with a certain research ability. The peripheral techniques are rather short-range replaceable ones, which should be obtained through learning.
Since teachers graduated from a university, they have a basic research ability. The ability enables them to digest raw spin-offs from universities.
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