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Location: Sakai, Osaka, Japan

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Saturday, January the 12th, 2008

I went to Kitano High School of Osaka Prefecture. As my elder daughter said, it was very huge and beautiful. How I found the class? Eh, it was a showcase of his erudition. If you like window-shopping, you will find it interesting.
The labour productivity in school is critical. Does the deadline management work in this field, too?
Hardworking teachers tend to work longer. That is the case. In the deadline management, a time limit is set both on each job, and on a workday.
First, we should divide our work into jobs. Each job will have its own time limit, and will be checked its progress in meetings.
Second, our jobs should be separated into pieces of work. Each piece of work will be allotted to a workday. A workday will have some pieces of various work, which should be finished by the check-out time of the day.
The story is simple, and seems to me to have some reasonability. Yet, my experience suggests that a flexible workday system might be suitable for teaching jobs. If so, each teacher will be supposed to set their own check-out time. Won't that make it too loose again, when it is hard to allot clearly divided pieces of work to each teacher, and to measure its progress appropriately.


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