Monday, December the 3rd, 2007
It's raining so so. Should I think about the Legitimate Peripheral Participation (LPP) harder? Should I also give the second ( or third or fourth?)thought to Vigotsukian ideas?
I am making slow but steady steps toward the farther development of the preparatory session for the oversea study tour. The buddy system is very efficient making progress and innovation. The problem is haw many and how various buddies I can handle at once. 3? 4?
These days, "The exceptionally high degree of connoisseurship"(p.351, Michael Polanyi, "Personal Knowledge --- Towards a Post-Critical Philosophy", Originally 1958, Corrected edition 1962, The University of Chicago Press, Chicago) is required even in the educational community, as we have to cover "the enormous extension of the domain" in spite of "the comparative shallowness of the knowledge" we have. That can be said even in the English educational community.
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