Kakuta Haruo---Decoding Japan---

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Location: Sakai, Osaka, Japan

Saturday, October 14, 2006


Waga tame ni kuru akini shi mo aranaku ni mushi no ne kike ba maduzo kanasi ki

It is not for me that the autumn has come. It is me, however, that chirping bugs drive to sorrowfulness.

Ohokata no aki kuru kara ni wagami koso kanashiki mono to omohi shiri nu re

Autumn has come in the world.That reminds me of my solitude and sorrowfulness.

Does autumn come to me, or come to the world?

Communalism vs Neo-Liberalism

Communalism meets neo-liberalism. That is what is happening in IHS. Of course, the former is meeting the latter in the brains of the students and teachers there.

Sunday, October 08, 2006

"Little Birds"

I saw the film "Little Birds." It gave us wretched and somewhat comical scenes. I don't think I should introduce the wretched ones here. The comic comes from their remoteness. The concept "remote nationalism" was introduced some time ago. Minority emmigrants to USA and other developed countries support their nationalism at home because of their patrioticism. Some donation in the developed countries matters a lot at home. It enables the movement to raise soldiers and weapons, and provides infrastructure for civilwars. This film reminds me of the word "remote." American soldiers enact remote militalism to satisfy Republicans empowered with overwhelming economic gap. Human Shields enact remote pacifism to satisfy Democrats empowered with overwhelming economic gap. Japanese soldiers and Japanese NPO enact remote humanism to satisfy, respectively, pro-SDF and pro-NPO empowered with overwhelming economic gap. Lastly, the reporter send his messages to Japan to satisfy anti-SDF empowered with overwhelming economic gap. In one scene, children were dancing to a music from a propaganda program obviously aired by Husein regime. The scene seemed both lovely and comical. If you filmed the scene we are watching this film, it might seem both lovely and comical.

Friday, October 06, 2006

Dissociation and Human Development

Students who have been raised under communalism have, of course, communalistic mentality. A person with communalistic mentality has a communalistic personality. When the person meets neo-liberalism, the encounter produces neo-liberalistic mentality. Or, let me put it, the encounter dissociates neo-liberalistic mentality from the communalistic mentality. The dissociation is a crisis, which provides a chance for the personality either to collapse or to develop.
Mentality is a certain combination of chemical conditions within a brain. Dissociation is a contradiction between two combinations. A chemical condition automatically leads to another condition. A combination, therefore, has a dynamisism. Another combination has another dynasism. It is those dynasisms that contradict each other.