April 2003
Tuesday, April 1st, 2003
The Kishiwada station is 10 minutes walk away from the school. In one sence the school is between the two station. When I had moved from my second high school to my third, I had felt what a drizzling school I came to. Now I feel the same. I wonder if I can do as I did, which means to make it a cool one. Should I have moved to others?
1st grader: blue
2nd grader: red
3rd grader: green
Basic Interpersonal Communicative Skills (BICS) Cognitive Academic Language Proficiency (CALP) These days so called Oralcommunication classes are focussed on the development of BICS. I don't say the older days emphasized CALP, but acquiring English as the second language, especially for intellectuals, means developing CALP. underdeveloped language Scholarly writing also should relate to those who make decisions on a daily basis about bilingual children: parents and teachers.
Thursday, April the 10th, 2003
The first classes. Step by step; accepting everything. Ethnography Introduction of so called TRy system into transfering teachers of Osaka Prefectural high schools help forming a labour market within Osaka Prefectural high schools. What effect will the introduction cast over mind sets of teachers? My interest in how to let students learn has moved on from inductive method, via offering context, to cognition. This school year, I am in charge of a scholarship, intermediating various scholarships to students. A little bit chilly this morning. I wonder if it would work to put up a mailing list open to students. Should I think of some rules first to operate it lawfully?