Dualism in the East and the West
It has been a while since Onmyo-Do, Yin-Yang-ism, gained some popularity among young Japanese. Onmyo-Do, or at least its roots, is said to have come to Japan around the 5th century. Yin-Yang-ism surely belongs to dualism. Another member of this mailing list may have more information on the issue. What, however, interests me most is how dualism, or dualisms, has ranged from one place to another in the world. Zoroastrianism was born in the -6th century. It affected Manichaeism, which was born in the 3rd century, and later moved to China in the 7th century.Zoroastrianism had reached China a centry earlier. In Europe, from the 10th century to the 14th, there used to be Cathari Christians, whoes belief, according to what I learned in my high school days, has some dualism. Yin-Yang-ism dates back to Lao Zi in China, who is said to have lived in the -5th century. He is supposed to be one of founders of Taoism. All the ancient Chinese isms came to Japan around the 5th century. Onmyo-Do is said to have its origins among the imported knowledge. I wonder if all the distributed dualisms over the Eurasian Continent originated from one, or human beings have cognitive bias to conceive things in the dualism manner. Queerly enough, President Bush, who cannot be a heretic Christian, is seeing the world in a dualism way, and is distinguishing good countries from evil ones.