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Sunday, October 30, 2005

The Question is if We Can Export the Revolution or NOT

The U.S. government seems to have an intention to make Iraqi regime into a democratic one. The question is if the revolution, either of the democracy or of the socialism, can be exported, or not. Obviously,the history tells us we can't. Only when, I believe, a certain society is ready to transform itself on its own, the different outer societies can influence it by providing new ideas. Japan had, some argues, walked more than half way from physiocracy to mercantilism by itself during the Edo Era, which made it possible modernize, or Westernize itself after the Meiji Restoration. Even as for the democratization after World War II, we can claim Japanese people at the time had a certain degree of readiness to democratize themselves. The certain degree also explains why the democratization suffered a severe setback after the Korean War. The Japanese were not ready enough to be so democratic as some American people had hoped. What about Iraq? Everything is according to the will of Allah, at least there, not of the Lord, nor of the 8 million Japanese gods in the least.


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