Virtual Shinobu Chichibu 34 Kannon Pilgrimage #30 Osho-ji Temple
It is unknown when Osho-ji Temple was founded in Tanaka Village, Hanzawa County, Musashi Province. Its precincts have a Kannon-do Hall, which enshrines a Thousand-Armed Sahasrabhuja, the #30 deity of the Shinobu Chichibu 34 Kannon Pilgrimage. The temple keeps the land inspection note dated 1595. Tanaka Village was on the northern bank of the Ara River.
The Engishiki, a book about laws and customs, whose major part was completed in 927, lists no shrines in Hanzawa County, although it lists 2861 shrines nationwide. It doesn't necessarily mean that the county had no shrines or holy places, but means that they were not incorporated into Japanese religious hierarchy. Near Osho-ji Temple, there is Chikatadai Shrine, which enshrines Omoikane. When gods and goddesses descended to Japan, Omoikane arrived in Shinano Province, and his offspring advanced to Chichibu County, Musashi Province. Presumably, his offspring further went down along the Ara River, and developed Hanzawa County. Although he is enshrined in more than 45 shrines, we have only one other Omoikane Shrine in Yokohama. In short, he isn't so popular. His second son, Amenoshitaharu is said to have moved to Chichibu County. 9 generations later, Chichibuhiko was appointed as a governor of Chichibu by Emperor Mimaki, who is supposed to have reigned sometime in the latter half of the 3rd century and the first half of the 4th century.
Address: 608-1 Tanaka, Fukaya, Saitama 369-1108
Phone: 048-583-2236
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