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Thursday, April 13, 2023

Virtual Hiki Saigoku 33 Kannon Pilgrimage #19 Senzo-ji Temple


     It's unknown when Senzo-ji Temple was founded in Oshidari Village, Hiki County, Musashi Province.

     Kasahara Chikakage (?-1203) lived in Kasahara Village, Saitama County, Musashi Province.  He married a daughter of Hiki Yoshikazu (?-1203), and was killed by the Hojo Family when they slaughtered the Hiki Family.  Chikakage's son, Tokimoto, was adopted by Nomoto Motokazu (1140-1232), and survived.  Tokimoto developed the flood plain of the Toki River, owned the land, and called the land and his family Oshidari.

     Who were the Nomoto Family?

     The Katada Family served the Fujiwara-Hokke Family, one of the 4 major families of the Fujiwara Clan, as guards for generations.  Katada Motochika guarded the Taki Gate of the Horikawa Residence.  Motochika's son, Motokazu, moved to Musashi Province.

     When Mr. and Mrs. Hiki Tomune had their first girl baby, Minamoto Yoritomo (1147-1199) was born.  Mrs. Hiki became Yoritomo's wet nurse.  When Yoritomo's father, Yoshitomo (1123-1160), was defeated by the Taira Clan in the Heiji Rebellion, Yoritomo was exiled to Izu Province.  Mr. and Mrs. Hiki returned to their homeland, Hiki County, Musashi Province.  Since then, Mrs. Hiki kept sending allowances for 20 years till 1180, when Yoritomo raised an army against the Taira Clan.  Although Mr. Hiki was already dead, Mrs. Hiki, Nun Hiki at the time, persuaded the Hiki Family to join Yoritomo's army.  Yoritomo triumphed and established the Kamakura Shogunate.

     It is unknown whether Motokazu followed Mr. and Mrs. Hiki Tomune, or he moved to the province, counting on Mr. and Mrs. Hiki Tomune, after the establishment of the Kamakura Shogunate.  Anyway, he was adopted by the local powerful family in Nomoto Village, which was located at the opposite and upstream bank of the Kawajima Island between the Ichino and Toki Rivers.  The local family, the Nomoto Family, might have needed a warrior to become a samurai family.  

     Motokazu's son, Mototoki, developed the riverbed or river bank near Nomoto along the Toki River, and became the owner of the rice fields, called the land and his family Oshidari.

The residence of the Oshidari Family is said to have been located where Saifuku-ji Temple is, but repeated floods have washed away its signs or traces.

Address: 116 Kamioshidari, Higashimatsuyama, Saitama 355-0074

Saifuku-ji Temple

Address: 227 Shimooshidari, Higashimatsuyama, Saitama 355-0041


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