Kakuta Haruo---Decoding Japan---

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Location: Sakai, Osaka, Japan

Sunday, March 21, 2010

February, 2010

Monday, February the 1st, 2010

The first day of the second month of the last year in the first decade of the 21st century is also the first day of the week. The world is concealed with the grayish milky fog. Physically, of course. How about mentally? A blue heron, however, was standing in the moat all right.

The 7:21 local train was about 3 minutes late. The 7:28 rapid-transit train was, accordingly, about 3 minutes late. Accordingly, I couldn't take my regular tram whose departure time I don't know, or I don't care. Why late?

Tuesday, February the 2nd, 2010

The heaven is covered with heavy clouds. Yet, the spring is coming, rain after rain. The cleft of the eastern clouds looks gorgeous with its verges shone in bright colors.

The concept idiosyncrasy implies the personalized culture. A culture used to provide ego for an individual member of the culture. With the ego around their id, members could get along with their own id, and thus the society with the culture could keep equilibrium. As societies have become multicultural, their members are developing not an ego but plural egos around their id. As the plurality has come to cause conflict or contradiction among the egos, the members can hardly get along with their own id these days. Having plural egos in an individual person might sounds odd. How about calling them avatars instead?

Wednesday, February the 3rd, 2010

The morning sun is brighter than it was a week ago.

A personal id used to be socialized within the corresponding culture by forming an ego around the id. Today's personal id, however, should be socialized into plural cultures of the multicultural society the person belongs to by forming plural “egos” corresponding to each culture.

Those plural “egos” around a certain id could be named avatars not to be confused with plural egos of plural persons. The problem is if those avatars which have taken place of an ego has as much ability to control the id. As an ego has been segmented into avatars, the id without its ego has ballooned.

Not so bad. Not so bad. Today wasn't so bad.

Thursday, February the 4th, 2010

The heaven is partly covered with gray winter clouds. However, high above in the sky spring clouds are sashed against the higher heaven.

An individual id wears about an ego to get socialized into a culture to which it is supposed to belong. Mono-cultural societies used to claim for an ego. Today's multicultural societies, as a matter of course, require multi-egos, or avatars to be formed.

Friday, February the 5th, 2010

Humans are an animal who lives a story. Or tow?

The sky is clear with only a bit of clouds around.

Humans used to live a story with an ego. As an ego has been divided into avatars, the humans are supposed to live more than two stories in tandem. In other words, they are supposed to more than two stories. That also means that they should predict or prefigure more than two stories. It must be more difficult than to predict or prefigure the one and only story they are supposed to live and write under the umbrella of a certain culture.

Getting better? I hope so.

Saturday, February the 6th, 2010

A cold weekend. It's very cold. Very cold this morning.

Idiosyncrasization of a culture and avatorization of an ego go in tandem.

Tuesday, February the 9th, 2010

A cloudy wetty morning.

Wednesday, February the 10th, 2010

No longer winter. I can feel everything spring-like. Trains and trams are full of junior high school students. They are having entrance examinations of private senior high schools. The spring is coming.

Friday, February the 12th, 2010

A cloudy morning with a little bit chiller winds. Not so cold. The spring must be somewhere around there,

Saturday, February the 13th, 2010

The second weekend of the second month of the year is a fine day without strong winds.

How will it be defined whether a perception is supraliminal or subliminal, and an effect intrraindividual or interindividual?

Sunday, February the 14th, 2010

“The subjects were … students, the majority of them undergraduates in psychology. They volunteered in the experiment.” Wieske Noordman-Vonk repeats many times in his book “Retrieval from Semantic Memory.” It suggests that his experiments' subjects are from a limited group in a diversified society, and implies that his result “That a semantic distance effect occurs is clear enough from the data.” might be significant only among members of academic communities. However, it is clear enough that to be a member of an academic community, one has to remember words by categorizing them.

“The Matrix”, “A Beautiful Mind”, “The Others”, and “The Sixth Sense.” They have all given me another view.

Monday, February the 15th, 2010

The train is 4 minutes late. Because of the rain? I don't know.

Dead or alive. Those motion pictures remind me of the phrase. Pothunters used to be paid whether the hunted were dead or alive. Could anyone be rewarded whether he himself is dead or alive?

It has become very cold toward the dusk. The sparse winds are still chilly. The winter governs the night yet. The soring is, however, coming, with my itchy eyes and running nose.

Tuesday, February the 16th, 2010

The eastern mountains are covered with the thick gray clouds. However, other clouds are forming a kind of a gradation toward the top of the heaven. Obviously, the spring is overwhelming the winter.

The theory of the semantic memory can be applied to students' memorizing English words, not idioms. As words are thought to be retrieved by the category, memorizing new words along category lines might help retrieving them.

Wednesday, February the 17th, 2010

The misty gray heaven breaks over the eastern mountains. Through the break, through the cold air, the spring reveals itself with the morning sun beams brightly shining in light orange colors.

Bilingual and bi-cultural education is still in agenda. I thought it has basically settled beside the technical details. It seems the school organizations have outsourced the bilingual and bi-cultural education, and done.

Thursday, February the 18th, 2010

A very cold morning with the bright heaven. The sun shines mildly though.

Semantic memory model should pay attention to semantic net or semantic network.

Trams are sunken in the darkness.

Friday, February the 19th, 2010

A chilly and cold morning with lightly bright sun shine through the lightly dusky clouds.

The application of semantic memory model on the education should include putting forming semantic net or semantic network to practice.

Monday, February the 22nd, 2010

Winter leaves are dimly green. Every dark green leaf has a twinkling in it, lit by the bright orange morning sun.

Pollen must have started falling, or flying. I have a slight headache. The spring is surely coming.

Tuesday, February the 23rd, 2010

The entrance examination day starts with its cloudy sky. Grayish clouds, white clouds. Those pieces slightly lit with the morning sun light.

Wednesday, February the 24th, 2010

The day after the entrance examination day has a warm and nice morning. The candidates should have a warmer and nicer morning.

I took the 7:30 train at Mozu station, and an about-10-minute later tram at the stop in front of Ten'noji Station. I can even find familiar faces among different ones. Just a coincident?

Thursday, February the 25th, 2010

Early this morning, when I was drying washings, a streamer cut the heaven in a sharp edge toward the north east.

Friday, February the 26th, 2010

It's raining this morning, with some misty air folding around.

Saturday, February the 27th, 2010

A cloudy morning has started with the Olympics.

Sunday, February the 28th, 2010

The last day of the second last month of the 9th last school year of my teaching career had a hard rain before the dawn.