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Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Friday, November the 2nd, 2007

I am visiting Kobe-jogakuin University this afternoon to see a class for Training Translator Program. I have successfully got contact with Kyoto University of Foreign Studies on Kyoto Program, where students try to introduce Kyoto overseas in English. I forwarded the mail from Dr. Sasaki to some teachers of Izumi. My idea is to have him lecture in front of the participants of the Queensland Study Trip and of Picture-Card Exchange Program. For the former students, that would make one class of the preparatory session for the trip.
One would-be host family has canceled. One step forward, two steps back. I announced in front of the 3 classes where I teach English asking for help, and asked the vice-principal to ask the PTA president to list could-be candidates for host families. We should make the third wave of recruiting next week, and I hope that would be the last one.
As I changed trains from JR to Hankyu at Umeda, it smelled different. As I changed trains farther to Takarazuka Line, it became farther different, elegantly relaxed.


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