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Saturday, November 12, 2005

The Davinci Code

I finished reading "The Davinci Code" after a quite long absence. It unabled me to keep reading the story that I should go to Yaeyama to prepare for the next school year's school trip and that I should organize a students' trip to Australia in the next spring. Anyway, "This is pure genius." said New York Times? That I doubt. The most disappinting part is Bishop Manuel Arigarossa's behavior, or rather how the author, Dan Brown, describes the man. Arigarossa bargains first with 'the Teacher' and then with Captain Bezu Fache too easily. As for the first dealing, I can hardly understand why separating Opus Dei from Catholic Church meant so much to him. For instance, in real Japanese society, Soka-gakkai get independent, or was forced to get independent(?), Nichiren-shu. That looks to have caused almost no serious damages or difficulties on Soka-gakkai. It may be because I am not a Christian that I cannot sense the stress or pressure Arigarossa has got. A Christian member of this group could help me understand that.


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