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Location: Sakai, Osaka, Japan

Thursday, February 27, 2025

Virtual Honjo Domain 33 Kannon Pilgrimage #23 Jokaku-ji Temple


     It is unknown when Jokaku-ji Temple was founded.  Although it belonged to the Chinzei-ha ranch of Pure Land Buddhism, it also functioned as the practice hall of Shugen-do, or the Japanese mountain asceticism.  The temple might have been abolished after the Meiji Restoration Government issued the Gods and Buddhas Separation Order in 1868 as the mountain asceticism contained the syncretism of Shinto and Buddhism.

     Fujisaki Shrine seems to have had something to do with Jokaku-ji Temple.  The offspring of the mountain ascetics of the temple display their hina dolls annually in the shrine.

     When Horowa Shrine was invited in 1601, Jokaku-ji Temple supported the invitation.  In 1623, Miyahi Kannon was enshrined in Miyahi Shrine.  Sjinmai-sha Shrine was founded before the 1680's.  In 1925, the 3 shrines were merged to make Fujisaki Shrine.

Jokaku-ji Temple Site

Address: 47-1 Mikuramachi, Yurihonjo, Akita 015-0801

Fujisaki Shrine

Address: Omachi-9-2 Fujisaki, Yurihonjo, Akita 015-0047

Phone: 0184-22-4486


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