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Monday, April 01, 2024

Virtual Shonai 33 Kannon Pilgrimage #24 Reigan-ji Temple


     Reigan-ji Temple was founded in 1593 in Aranabe Village, Tagawa County, Dewa Province, on the riverside of the Mogami River, today's Aranabe KarikawaShonai, Higashitagawa District, Yamagata 999-6601.  Kitatate Toshinaga (1548-1625), the lord of Karikawa Fortress, made it his family temple.

     In 1612, Toshinaga constructed an irrigation canal to supply water to those areas higher than the surface of the Mogami River.  Approximately 10 kilometers of irrigation canal was completed in just four months by mobilizing 7,400 workers.  Afterwards, extension work was carried out, and its total length became 32 kilometers.  As a result, approximately 5,000 hectares of new rice fields and 88 villages were developed.

     The temple moved to its present place in 1776, and its main hall was built there in 1778.

We are transient in this world,

But the irrigation Sir Kitatate made

Shall never run dry.

Address: Akoya-42 Karikawa, Shonai, Higashitagawa District, Yamagata 999-6601

Phone: 0234-56-2141


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