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Tuesday, January 24, 2023

Virtual Chichibu 34 Kannon Pilgrimage #9 Akechi-ji Temple


     Akechi-ji Temple was founded by Priest Akechi in 1191, at the beginning of the Kamakura Shogunate.  The temple enshrines Cintamanicakra, who usually has 6 arms and holds chintamani (a wish-fulfilling jewel) in one of the six.  The statue had been carved by Genshin (942-1017).

     In the Warring States Period, a Kato, who was subject to the Yokose Family, which was a branch family of the Tan Corps.

     In ancient times, there used to be the Musashi Seven Corps. The most part of Musashi Province was plateaus deeply covered with volcanic-ash soil, which was suitable for stock farming, not for rice growing. In ancient times, many of the naturalized Silla people then were sent to Musashi Province, and engaged in the stock farming. That stimulated local people there, and many stock farms were set up, including 6 imperial stock farms. The custodians of those farms later formed small-scale would-be-samurai families. By marriage, those would-be-samurai families composed 7 corps on the Musashi Plateaus. The Tan Corps was one of the 7.

     Kato ruled Mochiyama.  He embraced the Cintamanicakra statue, and moved the temple to Mochiyama.  Then, people in Yokoze suffered from diseases.  The people wished the statue to come back.  One night, Cintamanicakra appeared in Kato's dream and told him to give the statue back to its original place.  Finally, the temple was back to its present place.

Address: 2160 Yokoze, Chichibu District, Saitama 368-0072

Phone: 0494-24-3125


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