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Tuesday, August 30, 2022

Virtual Tama Aqueduct Saigoku 33 Kannon Pilgrimage #3 Senryu-ji Temple


     Roben (689-773) visited Izumi Village, Tama County, Musashi Province, in 765.  He prayed for rain, and a spring gushed out.  Or because of the spring, the area came to be called Izumi, literally a spring.  Anyway, Roben founded Senryu-ji Temple and had it belong to the Huayan School of Buddhism.  In 949, Monk Zoga visited the temple, changed it to Tiantai Sect, and enshrined the statue of Arya Avalokitesvara, who is the human-figure prototype of the other 6 metamorphoses, which had been carved by Saint Hodo, who was from India and who lived in Japan in the 6th or 7th century. Zoga was even mentioned in the Essays in Idleness, written by Monk Kenko (1283-1350).

     The temple was revived by Ishigaya Masakiyo (1503-1574), who invited Monk Zuigo (?-1612).

     The precincts have a mound, which is one of a dozen of mounds in the village, so the area was a holy place since prehistoric times.

Address: 1 Chome-6-1 Motoizumi, Komae, Tokyo 201-0013

Phone: 03-3489-6778


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