Virtual Miura 33 Kannon Pilgrimage #19 Seiun-ji Temple
Seiun-ji Temple was founded by Sahara Yoshitsura. It is unknown when he was born or when he died, but it is clear that he took part in the Battle of Ichi-no-Tani in 1184.
Seiun-ji Temple has mausoleums for Miura Tamemichi (1010?-1083?), Tametsugu (1048?-1110?), and Yoshitsugu (1067-1159), but those for Tamemichi and Yoshitsugu were moved from Entsu-ji Temple.
Entsu-ji Temple was founded by Miura Yoshitsugu for his father, Tametsugu, in 1104. Even before the foundation, there had been many cave graves on the hill at the back of the temple for the ancestors of the Miura Clan. Hosho-ji Temple also had the Cave of Ancestors of the clan.
Entsu-ji Temple’s main deity used to be the Looking-at-Cascade Avalokitesvar statue, which came from the Song Dynasty China. Miura Tamemichi (1010?-1083?) fought for Minamoto Yoriyoshi (988-1075) in the Former Nine Years' War or the Early Nine Years' War (1051-1063). Tradition has it that he got the statue in Mutsu Province during the war. The statue was also moved to Seiun-ji Temple when Entsu-ji Temple was abolished in 1939.
Address: 5 Chome-9-20 Oyabe, Yokosuka, Kanagawa 238-0024Phone: 046-836-0216
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