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Friday, April 15, 2016

Sulfur and the Shimazu Clan (4)

      Shuryu (?-?), one of the chief traders in missions to Ming in 1477 and in 1484, wrote to 2 vassals of the Shimazu Clan on September the 29th, 1474:

     “As I have not had a particular topic, I have not written to you for long.  It has been against my will.  However, as a mission to Ming was ordered now, I have to visit you next spring.  Although it is an official task for me, I have to ask you to take care of everything.

     “As for the task, an official order letter to procure sulfur was already issued to your clan.  Although you were ordered to transport the sulfur to Hirado in the letter, as the mission will sail off your province, it should be kept at Bo-no-tsu Port.  I will tell you details.  I am looking forward to seeing you.”

     It seems that the profession of the exportation of sulfur as munitions had been established and structured.

     Later, even at the end of the Warring State Period and at the beginning of the Edo Period, sulfur was still important, and the Shimazu Clan presented sulfur to people of importance at the time as gifts.


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