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Tuesday, April 10, 2012

My Farewell Greeting in Sumiyoshi Senior High School

Ladies and gentlemen, as I leave Sumiyoshi High School, here I would like to express my sincere gratitude to my colleague English teachers first, for their understanding and cooperation during these 4 years. Thank you. Secondly, I would like to leave some advice to our dear students. Sumiyoshi High School has varieties of unique English classes both for Science Course students and those in International Course. In these classes, you can enhance your presentation ability in English. In today's world, English proficiency is a must. When I was net-surfing, I found a copy which said, “No English; no jobs.” Absolutely. Finding a job without English proficiency is getting harder and harder today. So, you have to study English for your career's sake. But mastering English is not only for your interest, but it also serves to the world. Even today, many people still “communicate” with their weapons. Bulletes are their words, and rocket bombs are their essays. As the matter of course, more and more bullets and rocket bombs are killing more and more people in the course of this kind of "communication." We should stop this kind of “communication” right away, and start communicating with LANGUAGE. When we communicate with language, however harsh their words may sound, and however unreasonable their contents may read, nobody will die of it. Thus, we have to try to communicate with language instead of fighting. In the last graduation ceremony, one student said, “Our dream is deeply rooted in Sumiyoshi's dream.” Absolutely. Your develop meant as a human is deeply rooted in Sumiyoshi Senior High School. Martin Luther King Jr. once said, “We are not makers of history. We are made by history.” It is certain that you are making a part of Sumiyoshi, but Sumiyoshi is making you, too. With this in your mind, with the gratitude to Sumiyoshi in your mind, please study hard, and you can do anything. Thank you.


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