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Location: Sakai, Osaka, Japan

Monday, October 19, 2009


Another gaze gives us a cultural parallax. The question is which gives us the parallax, either being gazed or gazing. Or both of them? Anyway, the parallactic experience enables us to gaze our own culture differently.
Mr. Kevin Short argues that even "very ordinary and unspectacular" landscapes "have the potential ... to offer a truly fascinating and rewarding tourism experience, through which visitors can in a short time learn first-hand about the nature, lifestyles, history, and even spirituality of the country or region they are visiting." Not only "countryside landscapes" but also buildings and neighborhoods, I would say, have the same potential, even if they are not the historic ones which "Cultural tourism ... usually focuses on." (Kevin Short, 'Japanese countryside: Hidden gems and spiritual inspiration', "the Daily Yomiuri", October the 9th, 2009, p.16)


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